Tuesday, December 25, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

Why not start off the blog with the new year and New Year's Resolutions?

I feel like my resolutions are about the same as every other person in the world, you know the whole "I want to lose weight blah blah blah" but after I think about them, they are a little different.

It's more that I want to make working out and eating healthy a habit.  In April, I decided to go vegetarian. Well, sort of.  When I describe my eating habits to people, there are many so many different factors and rules.  I eat seafood, so therefore that makes me a pescatarian.  But I eat also I guess "land meats" as long as they are free-range.  So then that brings the question, "Well how do you know if it is free range?"  And I proceed with that I don't usually know, so that's why I eat vegetarian when I go out, and you can buy free range meat at organic food stores like Whole Foods.

With all of this in mind, this upcoming year I hope to continue with this change, but eat even healthier.  Since I don't eat meat, when I go to fast food places with my friends, I usually will just get a soda and fries.  Especially when I am at college, I find myself eating orders and orders of fries from McDonalds, or Donald's House as it is known among my friends.  So Resolution 1. Eat less starches and carbohydrates and more veggies.  I feel like this can be an easier one.  I absolutely love veggies, so I think the main way I can keep this resolution is to keep vegetables on hand.

Resolution 2. Make working out a bigger part of my life.

In no way do I think I have a weight problem.  Am I uncomfortable with my body?  Oh for sure; there are some parts I wish were better.  But they are the basic problem areas that I feel most women have a problem with.  The most fit I have ever been was, surprisingly, my first semester of college.  I go to a big university, so I walked a lot, I went to the gym maybe 2 or 3 times a week, and on top of that I was on the club rowing team at school.  Now, I hadn't done any type of sports in high school, or even middle school, so putting myself in a sport that takes so much physical strength was tough, and definitely put me in great condition.  But since then, I have gone a little downhill.  I ended up dropping the team, and got caught up in other things on campus, so I wasn't working out as much.  I just feel that I am not in the best condition because I COULD be working out more and I COULD eat healthier.  Whenever I work out, I get motivation for the rest of the day to do healthy things like eat better and not drink as much, if any soda.

With that said, I should drink more water (Resolution 3).  I spent last semester drinking more soda than I did water. HA and you think I'm joking.  I always have this vision of how I could be a healthy college kid, you know managing great grades, a perfect social life, walking to class, going to the gym, eating healthy, you know having time to fit it all in.  I mean I got everything except the whole gym part and eating healthy.  I guess that is what resolutions are for right?

Now I don't have any resolutions that are like "I want to be more positive" or "Live every day like it is my last" or "Try to make a change in someone's life everyday" because I am very comfortable with who I am and know that waaaaaay deep down I'm a good person, but am a very witty and sarcastic person, so those resolutions would be useless because I know I already do all of that.  They are also very hard to monitor; there is no way to judge every single day whether I accomplished the task or not. So my Resolution 4 is actually something I learned from watching beauty gurus on Youtube.  It is called Project 10 Pan.  The idea of the project is to use up your beauty products that you already have instead of buying new ones.  It started with make-up items (hence the word "pan"), and when you start to see a pan, that counted as one product down, nine more to go.  But instead of doing makeup products, I am going to do an mixture of body, hair, and skin products.  I have so many lotions, body washes, shampoos, conditioners, I mean the list could go on and on.  But since this is for the whole year, it is going to be Project 30 Pan, which means I have to finish 30 products that I already have (and trust me I have that much) before I buy that type of product.

And that's it!  I guess I will let you know in a year whether I accomplish them or not.  Hope you have a good New Year!


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